What To Do When Things Don’t Work Out. Helpful Tips to Survive, Feel Your Feelings, and Move Forward. When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned: How to Bounce Back Stronger. Feeling Defeated? Here’s How to Turn It Around.

Life doesn’t always go as planned, and when things don’t work out, it can feel overwhelming. Maybe something you were counting on fell through, or a situation turned out completely different from what you expected. It’s normal to feel lost in these moments, but it’s important to remember that setbacks are part of life.

We’ll walk through helpful tips on how to survive these tough moments, feel your feelings without guilt, and move forward with acceptance.

Learn how to handle the initial shock of disappointment and create a path for healing and growth. We’ll talk about why it’s okay to be sad and how you can eventually regain your strength and clarity. The goal isn’t to suppress your emotions but to understand them, process them, and use them as stepping stones for progress. You can’t control everything, but you can control how you react and rebuild.

With the right mindset and support, you can get through any setback with grace and resilience.

  • Acknowledge your feelings
    Right away, give yourself permission to feel sad, frustrated, or even angry. It’s important to sit with your emotions rather than push them away. You don’t have to act tough – allow yourself to grieve what didn’t happen. This can get really tricky because we always tell ourselves that we have to be strong or that “things are okay..” when it’s not. It WILL be okay, but right now it isn’t so we’ll have to sit through this.

  • Understand what you can and can’t control
    Things didn’t work out, and that’s often out of your control. Focus on what you can change moving forward, whether it’s your perspective, attitude, or new plans. Let go of what’s beyond your power. Now this is easy to say, but hard to do. I sometimes sit and write a list of things I have done and can do (can control) and also write out things I CAN’T control. This helps me acknowledge that I did the best I could at the time and that there are things that we really can’t control and when I look at that list, it becomes clearer.

  • Plan your next steps
    Once you’ve processed your emotions, start thinking about how to move forward. What can you work on now? Make a plan, set new goals, and put effort into what’s ahead of you rather than dwelling on what’s behind you. Are there things you can work on and perhaps new ways or mindsets to adapt? You can design a plan of action that will make you feel motivated and inspired – not judged. Remember, to also set realistic timelines. Just because you want to get better at something, doesn’t mean it will happen right away. You’ll have to give yourself time to get things worked out. Once you decide on something, the universe will help you get the ball rolling as long as you are also doing your part and open to growing and evolving. A good start for the next steps is to practice self-care.

  • Surround yourself with supportive people
    Spend time with people who lift you up and understand your journey. Choose friends who provide empathy and encouragement, and who don’t judge you when things don’t go as planned. I’ve always said that there are expanders, and then there are limiters. Expanders will help you see the world as a bigger place with many opportunities to make mistakes, learn, and grow. They will help you see that everyone is on their own journey making mistakes and learning. Limiters however crush your spirit and make you feel *extra* bad about things not working out making it harder for you to move on and discover more things about how beautiful life can be.

  • Practice self-compassion
    Be kind to yourself through this process. Don’t beat yourself up for something you couldn’t control. Talk to yourself the way you would a close friend – with understanding, patience, and love. I write myself a letter as if I am my best friend. I have great best friends who have always supported me and I am so thankful for having them. But you also have to be YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND. You have to be the voice in your head, giving you support and cheering you on.

  • Accept that setbacks are part of life
    Life is full of ups and downs, and setbacks will happen again. Remind yourself that they’re part of the journey, and each time you overcome them, you grow stronger and wiser. Life is not about being happy or feeling joy all the time, life is about life. It’s ups and downs, the plethora of emotions, and the wildness of things happening randomly and unexpectedly. We ride the wave. It can get ugly out there, but we ride because the joy coming is always worth the ride.

  • Move on with grace
    Embrace the changes, let go of the disappointment, and move forward with grace. Learn from the experience, but don’t let it define you. Keep working hard toward your goals, knowing that persistence and resilience will pay off in the long run. When we say let go of disappointment, we understand that it’s not like snapping your fingers and poof! it’s gone! Creating a process for yourself will help. Whether it’s stopping for coffee and journaling, or watching certain videos that will help you get back on track. You just can’t white-knuckle things when they don’t work out.

With the help of these steps and mindset adjustments, you’ll be able to navigate disappointments with more resilience and acceptance. Life is about learning, growing, and evolving – and sometimes that happens through the tough moments.

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